How do I get my results?
On completion of the questionnaire use the Download button to download and save a copy of your results to your device.
What do my results mean?
Your results report, the Digital Skills Profile Report, will include:
Your details (name, email, etc.)
Your Digital Skills Summary
Your Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF) Profile, shown as a graph.
Using a scale of 1-8 the graph shows your score for each of the 21 digital skills, which are split across the 5 focus areas of the ADCF.
The results are not about passing or failing. They are used by organisations to identify areas where you may need support or additional training.
What kind of questions are in the Digital Profiler Questionnaire?
The online Digital Profiler is a questionnaire developed by The Learning Resources Group to provide an indication of your digital skills aligned to the Australian Digital Capability Framework (ADCF).
The questionnaire starts with a series of questions to determine your past experience with digital skills, tools and systems. Questions require you to select one or multiple options, depending on the question.
The questionnaire starts the same for everyone, and then moves to questions based on responses to the initial questions.
Can I do the questionnaire on my phone?
Yes. The questionnaire can be completed on any tablet, computer or mobile phone with a stable internet connection.